Sunday, January 18, 2009


missing u sweet man
early mornings remember you
my little feet, wrapped in leaves
running across broken cement
through rainbows in the mist.
you gave me nothing worldly
to adjust my nimble taint it.
you gave me jars for lightning bugs
and spoons for digging earth.
you gave me Schlitz and Sweet Tea
in the tepid Autumn dusk of your love.
to climb through the trees at daybreak...
to brush mosquitoes off of your back in the eve...
to pick wild okra and asparagus and fresh peach...
every tunnel you would let me push the horn
and these things you gave me can never be sold
they are my body and they are to be coveted.

Ink Spots, water witching, wine man
bourbon, breakfast and the coarseness of your hands
which were never laid upon me...
you kept me well and made me become you
i still hear you everyday and i listen still and closer now...
i lay in the bath with my feet on the wall, my skin red
i use far too much water and it is a shame...
i lay in milk and honey and Patchouli and I watch
your clock
every second moving into the next seems to look back
who is this Arrogant molester...pushing time forward
Captivating it and Owning it.
Time itself is sweet and succulent...
Time gives us our first kiss and our first child
With time we learn to make life and grow Up and Orgasm
and then this being, this void or dream takes our Time
and he is gone with it.
Your time is gone sweet, sweet man...
but you have given me so much of yours
that you breathe through me now
my lungs are full of your breath and my lips
singing your sweet songs all day and night.
I still tip toe and twirl through the kitchen
and I dance with you and I love you more.
